
Dip1/2-E9 knock-out mouse

S.G.N. Grant and the G2C Consortium

Corresponding email: Seth.Grant@ed.ac.uk  


Overview: Effect sizes (Cohen d) for 18 electrophysiology variables

Mutant slices showed medium overall electrophysiological difference from wildtype slices, with no electrophysiological variables significantly affected by this mutation. Note that in the theta burst analysis, the tenth burst is analysed as representative of individual burst amplitude.

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The G2CMine data warehouse provides slice group summaries and individual mouse observations from the Dip1/2-E9 knock-out line phenotyping.


Variables shown are: Max fEPSP amplitude, Maximum field excitatory postsynaptic potential (fEPSP) amplitude. PPF at 50ms, ampl ratio, Paired pulse facilitation (PPF), pulses separated by 50ms, amplitude ratio. Burst 1, PPF at 10ms, ampl ratio, Paired pulse facilitation (PPF), pulses separated by 10ms, amplitude ratio, observed during first two pulses of the first 100Hz burst during theta-burst stimulation. Burst 1, EPSP3 depr, ampl ratio, Depression observed in third fEPSP relative to the second fEPSP of the first 100Hz burst, amplitude ratio. Burst 1, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in first burst. Burst 2, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in second burst. Burst 3, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in third burst. Burst 4, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in fourth burst. Burst 5, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in fifth burst. Burst 6, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in sixth burst. Burst 7, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in seventh burst. Burst 8, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in eighth burst. Burst 9, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in ninth burst. Burst 10, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in tenth burst. Burst 2-4 ave amplitude vs Burst 1, Facilitation observed in average amplitude of bursts 2-4, relative to average amplitude of burst 1. Burst 8-10 ave amplitude vs Burst 2-4, Depression observed in average amplitude of bursts 8-10, relative to average amplitude of bursts 2-4. LTP vs PTP, amplitude ratio, Reduction in potentiation from immediately after theta-burst stimulation to one hour later, fEPSP amplitude ratio. LTP based on amplitude, Long term potentiation, ratio of amplitudes of fEPSPs in test pathway and control pathway.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
Max fEPSP amplitude µV 14 (5) 3290 (140) 20 (5) 3010 (100) 0.08 0.24
PPF at 50ms, ampl ratio % 14 (5) 170.9 (3.7) 20 (5) 176.4 (3.6) 0.74 0.25
Burst 1, PPF at 10ms, ampl ratio % 14 (5) 189.2 (8.3) 20 (5) 202.7 (5.4) 0.68 0.14
Burst 1, EPSP3 depr, ampl ratio % 14 (5) 66.9 (3) 20 (5) 63.5 (2) 0.84 0.24
Burst 1, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 1303 (37) 20 (5) 1256 (32) 0.066 0.49
Burst 2, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2029 (93) 20 (5) 1934 (53) 0.029 * 0.51
Burst 3, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2265 (90) 20 (5) 2238 (66) 0.1 0.85
Burst 4, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2360 (96) 20 (5) 2312 (68) 0.11 0.74
Burst 5, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2348 (99) 20 (5) 2294 (65) 0.055 0.73
Burst 6, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2312 (103) 20 (5) 2245 (63) 0.065 0.66
Burst 7, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2236 (102) 20 (5) 2156 (57) 0.041 * 0.6
Burst 8, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2162 (103) 20 (5) 2078 (57) 0.044 * 0.58
Burst 9, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2092 (103) 20 (5) 2007 (54) 0.038 * 0.58
Burst 10, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2051 (101) 20 (5) 1946 (52) 0.029 * 0.49
Burst 2-4 ave amplitude vs Burst 1 % 14 (5) 168.9 (4.5) 20 (5) 171.7 (3.3) 0.068 0.71
Burst 8-10 ave amplitude vs Burst 2-4 % 14 (5) 94.6 (1.1) 20 (5) 93.4 (1.1) 0.14 0.51
LTP vs PTP, amplitude ratio % 14 (5) 77.2 (1.1) 20 (5) 80.1 (1) 0.12 0.15
LTP based on amplitude % 14 (5) 170 (3.4) 20 (5) 175.1 (4.7) 0.67 0.38


Basal Synaptic Transmission

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Variables shown are: Max fEPSP amplitude, Maximum field excitatory postsynaptic potential (fEPSP) amplitude.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
Max fEPSP amplitude µV 14 (5) 3290 (140) 20 (5) 3010 (100) 0.08 0.24


Paired Pulse Facilitation

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Variables shown are: PPF at 50ms, ampl ratio, Paired pulse facilitation (PPF), pulses separated by 50ms, amplitude ratio.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
PPF at 50ms, ampl ratio % 14 (5) 170.9 (3.7) 20 (5) 176.4 (3.6) 0.74 0.25


Theta Burst Stimulation

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Variables shown are: Burst 1, PPF at 10ms, ampl ratio, Paired pulse facilitation (PPF), pulses separated by 10ms, amplitude ratio, observed during first two pulses of the first 100Hz burst during theta-burst stimulation. Burst 1, EPSP3 depr, ampl ratio, Depression observed in third fEPSP relative to the second fEPSP of the first 100Hz burst, amplitude ratio. Burst 1, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in first burst. Burst 2, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in second burst. Burst 3, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in third burst. Burst 4, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in fourth burst. Burst 5, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in fifth burst. Burst 6, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in sixth burst. Burst 7, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in seventh burst. Burst 8, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in eighth burst. Burst 9, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in ninth burst. Burst 10, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in tenth burst. Burst 2-4 ave amplitude vs Burst 1, Facilitation observed in average amplitude of bursts 2-4, relative to average amplitude of burst 1. Burst 8-10 ave amplitude vs Burst 2-4, Depression observed in average amplitude of bursts 8-10, relative to average amplitude of bursts 2-4.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
Burst 1, PPF at 10ms, ampl ratio % 14 (5) 189.2 (8.3) 20 (5) 202.7 (5.4) 0.68 0.14
Burst 1, EPSP3 depr, ampl ratio % 14 (5) 66.9 (3) 20 (5) 63.5 (2) 0.84 0.24
Burst 1, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 1303 (37) 20 (5) 1256 (32) 0.066 0.49
Burst 2, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2029 (93) 20 (5) 1934 (53) 0.029 * 0.51
Burst 3, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2265 (90) 20 (5) 2238 (66) 0.1 0.85
Burst 4, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2360 (96) 20 (5) 2312 (68) 0.11 0.74
Burst 5, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2348 (99) 20 (5) 2294 (65) 0.055 0.73
Burst 6, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2312 (103) 20 (5) 2245 (63) 0.065 0.66
Burst 7, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2236 (102) 20 (5) 2156 (57) 0.041 * 0.6
Burst 8, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2162 (103) 20 (5) 2078 (57) 0.044 * 0.58
Burst 9, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2092 (103) 20 (5) 2007 (54) 0.038 * 0.58
Burst 10, ave amplitude µV 14 (5) 2051 (101) 20 (5) 1946 (52) 0.029 * 0.49
Burst 2-4 ave amplitude vs Burst 1 % 14 (5) 168.9 (4.5) 20 (5) 171.7 (3.3) 0.068 0.71
Burst 8-10 ave amplitude vs Burst 2-4 % 14 (5) 94.6 (1.1) 20 (5) 93.4 (1.1) 0.14 0.51


Long Term Potentiation

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Variables shown are: LTP vs PTP, amplitude ratio, Reduction in potentiation from immediately after theta-burst stimulation to one hour later, fEPSP amplitude ratio. LTP based on amplitude, Long term potentiation, ratio of amplitudes of fEPSPs in test pathway and control pathway.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
LTP vs PTP, amplitude ratio % 14 (5) 77.2 (1.1) 20 (5) 80.1 (1) 0.12 0.15
LTP based on amplitude % 14 (5) 170 (3.4) 20 (5) 175.1 (4.7) 0.67 0.38

Hippocampal brain slices summarised by genotype, followed by a list of the animals from which they were prepared.

View experimental protocols.


Hippocampal Slice Electrophysiology Cohort Summary



Individual Mice

Mouse IDGenotype

Field EPSP (Maximum)

Mouse IDGenotypeSlice NumberRecording ChannelFile Name
mA9e11f719f mutant 1 12A 9e11f719f_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA9e11f719f mutant 2 52A 9e11f719f_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA9e11f719f mutant 3 55B 9e11f719f_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA9e11f719f mutant 7 52B 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 3 46B ef39db55b_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 4 12A ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 5 52A ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 6 15B ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 7 62B ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mA577b123a6 mutant 1 58A 577b123a6_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA577b123a6 mutant 2 52A 577b123a6_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA577b123a6 mutant 3 46B 577b123a6_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 4 12A 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 5 43A 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 6 46B 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 7 52B 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 4 46A 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 5 61A 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 6 46B 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 7 62B 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wB9e11f719f WT 4 12A 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wB9e11f719f WT 5 54A 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wB9e11f719f WT 6 46B 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wAef39db55b WT 1 55A ef39db55b_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAef39db55b WT 2 41A ef39db55b_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAba2d83a84 WT 1 55A ba2d83a84_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAba2d83a84 WT 2 43A ba2d83a84_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAba2d83a84 WT 3 55B ba2d83a84_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wBba2d83a84 WT 4 52A ba2d83a84_slices_x-4-5-6.zip
wBba2d83a84 WT 5 46B ba2d83a84_slices_x-4-5-6.zip
wBba2d83a84 WT 6 61B ba2d83a84_slices_x-4-5-6.zip
wA742c6c051 WT 1 58A 742c6c051_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wA742c6c051 WT 2 52A 742c6c051_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wA742c6c051 WT 3 15B 742c6c051_slices_1-2-3-x.zip

Paired Pulse Facilitation

Mouse IDGenotypeSlice NumberRecording ChannelFile Name
mA9e11f719f mutant 1 12A 9e11f719f_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA9e11f719f mutant 2 52A 9e11f719f_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA9e11f719f mutant 3 55B 9e11f719f_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA9e11f719f mutant 7 52B 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 3 46B ef39db55b_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 4 12A ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 5 52A ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 6 15B ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 7 62B ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mA577b123a6 mutant 1 58A 577b123a6_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA577b123a6 mutant 2 52A 577b123a6_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA577b123a6 mutant 3 46B 577b123a6_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 4 12A 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 5 43A 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 6 46B 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 7 52B 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 4 46A 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 5 61A 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 6 46B 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 7 62B 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wB9e11f719f WT 4 12A 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wB9e11f719f WT 5 54A 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wB9e11f719f WT 6 46B 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wAef39db55b WT 1 55A ef39db55b_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAef39db55b WT 2 41A ef39db55b_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAba2d83a84 WT 1 55A ba2d83a84_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAba2d83a84 WT 2 43A ba2d83a84_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAba2d83a84 WT 3 55B ba2d83a84_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wBba2d83a84 WT 4 52A ba2d83a84_slices_x-4-5-6.zip
wBba2d83a84 WT 5 46B ba2d83a84_slices_x-4-5-6.zip
wBba2d83a84 WT 6 61B ba2d83a84_slices_x-4-5-6.zip
wA742c6c051 WT 1 58A 742c6c051_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wA742c6c051 WT 2 52A 742c6c051_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wA742c6c051 WT 3 15B 742c6c051_slices_1-2-3-x.zip

Long Term Potentiation

Mouse IDGenotypeSlice NumberRecording ChannelFile Name
mA9e11f719f mutant 1 12A 9e11f719f_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA9e11f719f mutant 2 52A 9e11f719f_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA9e11f719f mutant 3 55B 9e11f719f_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA9e11f719f mutant 7 52B 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 3 46B ef39db55b_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 4 12A ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 5 52A ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 6 15B ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mBef39db55b mutant 7 62B ef39db55b_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mA577b123a6 mutant 1 58A 577b123a6_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA577b123a6 mutant 2 52A 577b123a6_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mA577b123a6 mutant 3 46B 577b123a6_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 4 12A 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 5 43A 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 6 46B 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB577b123a6 mutant 7 52B 577b123a6_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 4 46A 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 5 61A 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 6 46B 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
mB742c6c051 mutant 7 62B 742c6c051_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wB9e11f719f WT 4 12A 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wB9e11f719f WT 5 54A 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wB9e11f719f WT 6 46B 9e11f719f_slices_4-5-6-7.zip
wAef39db55b WT 1 55A ef39db55b_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAef39db55b WT 2 41A ef39db55b_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAba2d83a84 WT 1 55A ba2d83a84_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAba2d83a84 WT 2 43A ba2d83a84_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wAba2d83a84 WT 3 55B ba2d83a84_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wBba2d83a84 WT 4 52A ba2d83a84_slices_x-4-5-6.zip
wBba2d83a84 WT 5 46B ba2d83a84_slices_x-4-5-6.zip
wBba2d83a84 WT 6 61B ba2d83a84_slices_x-4-5-6.zip
wA742c6c051 WT 1 58A 742c6c051_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wA742c6c051 WT 2 52A 742c6c051_slices_1-2-3-x.zip
wA742c6c051 WT 3 15B 742c6c051_slices_1-2-3-x.zip

Data Files

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© G2C 2014. The Genes to Cognition Programme received funding from The Wellcome Trust and the EU FP7 Framework Programmes:
EUROSPIN (FP7-HEALTH-241498), SynSys (FP7-HEALTH-242167) and GENCODYS (FP7-HEALTH-241995).

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